
As the spring grass turns green once a year, it’s time to set sail and pursue our dreams.
The plum blossoms fade in the snow, and the spring breeze returns with willows. In 2025, I will be part of a great team! In the new academic year, we set off with new goals, confidence, and a sense of responsibility.

新学期,新面貌。对于所有汉开学子来说,新的一学期,要树立清晰的成长目标,发现自己的使命,让岁月成为精彩。 New semester, new look. For all students of Hankai, in the new semester, we should set clear growth goals, discover our missions, and make our years wonderful.
大家好!很荣幸能在开学第一天,和大家分享我的想法。度过了充实的假期,我们又站在了新学期的起点,怀揣着新的期待与梦想。正如李大钊先生所说:“凡事都要脚踏实地去作,不驰于空想,不骜于虚声。” 今天,我想和大家谈谈 “新学期,如何主动做强自己”。
就拿我自己来说,之前我的英语成绩不太理想,单项选择和写作部分失分严重。但我知道,一味抱怨毫无用处,只有主动出击才能改变现状。于是假期里,我每天坚持背诵 30 个新单词,阅读一篇英语短文,在空闲时间里,我还会看看美剧。慢慢地,我发现自己的语感增强了,单项选择不再那么吃力,写作时也能更流畅地表达想法。这个过程并不轻松,但每一次小小的进步都让我坚信,主动提升自己,就能收获成长。正如爱默生所言:“每一种挫折或不利的突变,是带着同样或较大的有利的种子。”
那么,在新学期,我们该如何主动做强自己呢?首先,明确目标是关键。结合自己的实际情况和未来规划,制定清晰的学习目标。“有志者事竟成,破釜沉舟,百二秦关终属楚”,目标就像海上的灯塔,为我们指引前行的方向。比如,我希望本学期数学成绩能提高 15 分,为了实现这个目标,我计划每天多做 2 道数学题,每周整理一次错题。其次,主动学习、积极探索。课堂上,专注听讲,踊跃发言,不放过任何一个疑问;课后,充分利用时间,拓展知识,参加学科社团或兴趣小组。“业精于勤,荒于嬉”,勤奋主动是获取知识的不二法门。另外,还要培养坚韧的毅力和良好的心态。学习的道路不会一帆风顺,遇到困难时,不轻易放弃,相信自己的能力,保持积极乐观的态度。“千磨万击还坚劲,任尔东西南北风”,拥有坚定的信念和顽强的毅力,我们才能在面对困难时屹立不倒 。

“与太阳一同升起”,是一种思维方式,是一种良习,更是汉开学子特质的体现。 “Rise with the Sun” is a way of thinking, a good habit, and more importantly, a reflection of the characteristics of Hankai students.
Strengthen Yourself and Grow Quietly
Dear teachers and fellow students:
Good morning! I’m Zhang Jinyue from the Jinqiao Class of the International Department. Today, the topic of my speech is “Strengthen Yourself and Grow Quietly”. As we stand at the start of the new semester, our hearts are brimming with anticipation for the future. Looking back, we’ve weathered the pandemic and witnessed the rapid advancement of technology. The world is changing at an unprecedented pace. Some claim this is the worst of times, with intense competition and pressure everywhere. However, I believe it’s the best of times, full of opportunities and offering a vast stage. The key to success doesn’t lie in external challenges but in our determination to “actively strengthen ourselves”.
What does “actively strengthen ourselves” mean?
It’s not about blind comparison or vain showing off. Instead, it’s the power of “rooting inward and growing upward”, the resilience to never give up when facing difficulties, the perseverance to pursue excellence in the ordinary, and the clarity to calm ourselves in a fickle world. As Nietzsche put it, “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” Actively strengthening ourselves is a lifelong battle against our own limitations.
Actively strengthening ourselves requires the kind of “slow – accumulation – for – sudden – outburst” precipitation.
There’s an old saying: “A tree big enough to embrace grows from a tiny shoot; a nine – storey tower rises from a pile of earth.”Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei, invested 90% of the company’s profits in R & D during its early days. Even when deeply in debt, he persisted in seeking technological breakthroughs. It was this kind of long – term and patient accumulation that enabled Huawei to take the lead in the 5G field globally. True strength doesn’t come overnight. It may be hidden in the late – night efforts under the desk lamp, in the experience gained from repeated failures, and in the unnoticed perseverance.
Actively strengthening ourselves requires the courage to “emerge from the chrysalis as a butterfly”.
The comfort zone is a gentle trap. Darwin once said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, but the ones most adaptable to change.” Kodak, once the dominant force in the film era, was phased out by the digital wave due to its stubborn adherence to tradition. In contrast, after the failure of its mobile phone business, Nokia dared to shift to communication technology and now remains a global giant in the 5G sector. Only by breaking free from inertia and stepping out of the comfort zone can we embrace new possibilities. Whether it’s learning new skills, trying cross – disciplinary exploration, or confronting our weaknesses head – on, each breakthrough is a re – creation of ourselves.
Dear classmates, the wheel of history marches on, and the questions of the times are constantly evolving. However, the answer of “actively strengthening ourselves” remains constant: combat fickleness with precipitation and break through limitations with courage. May we, in the learning journey, not be like the drifting duckweed but like the sturdy pine trees rooted firmly in the ground; not be like the timid boat shying away from the waves but like the ship with sails unfurled bravely! Strengthen ourselves and grow quietly!
Thank you all. That’s the end of my speech!
舒适区是温柔的陷阱。达尔文曾说:“生存下来的不是最强壮的物种,而是最能适应变化的。” 柯达曾是胶片时代的霸主,却因固守传统被数码浪潮淘汰;而诺基亚在手机业务失败后,敢于转型通信技术,如今依然是全球5G领域的巨头。打破惯性、走出舒适区,才能拥抱新的可能性。无论是学习新技能、尝试跨界,还是直面自己的弱点,每一次突破都是对自我的重塑。
2. 怎么做?——拆解路径,打造执行手册
3. 如何评?——数据驱动,激励进化
奋进钟,敲响无穷无尽的希望,奋进钟声的震撼,提醒着我们向着自己的目标,发出突破,不断前行。 此时此刻每位汉开学子内心都响彻着共同的口号 ——“我是汉开人,请看我可能”! The bell of striving rings out endless hope. The shock of the bell reminds us to break through and keep moving forward towards our goals. Female (English): The inspiring words of the teachers are still ringing in our ears. At this moment, every Hankai student has a common slogan resounding in their hearts – “I am a Hankai person. See what I can do!”
“与太阳一同升起”—— 从一开始就把事情做到最好,做一事,成一品,进一阶。2025,我要成为一支队伍! “Rise with the Sun” – Do things best from the very beginning. Do one thing, achieve one quality, and make one step forward. In 2025, I will be part of a great team!